Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year's Resolutions!

Whenever the New Year rolls around, we all like to think about the past year and reflect on the changes we want to make for the upcoming year.  And year after year, we find the same resolutions on our lists.  The key is to follow through!

Here are a few tips from Friends and Family Circle to help you make the most of 2011!

CREATE A PLAN: In order for your resolution to be resolved, you must have clear steps that can be put into action!  What are all the steps required to complete your goal?

BE REALISTIC: You've made your list. You're pumped! Then January rolls around and after the first few days, you forget about it. Don't make your goals unattainable - that's the surest way to fall short of achieving them!

TRACK YOUR PROGRESS: Small successes keep you motivated.  Keep track of them and reward yourself!  Beware: That doesn't mean indulge in a double-scoop hot fudge sundae when you're trying to cut dairy out of your diet!

THINK "YEAR ROUND": You set your resolutions in a day, but it will take many small steps to accomplish them. Slow and steady wins the race!

BE FLEXIBLE: Things change - and you need flexibility to complete even the smallest goals.  Sometimes the goals themselves change!  If your resolution isn't going the way you like, start over! You can make resolutions at any time of the year.  The most important thing is to stick to it and keep trying!

Friends and Family Circle wishes you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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