Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sticking To Your Resolutions!

Time sure flies doesn't it?!  Just the other day you were wrapping gifts for the holidays; now, the snow is clearing up and the sun has been staying out a little longer with each passing day.  But let's not forget those plans we made just a couple of months ago.  You know, that long list of New Year's resolutions you promised you'd stick to this time around?  Some of us have managed to follow through so far. I myself have been Latte-free since January 1st, and it feels pretty good to have followed through with it!  Other resolutions, like my drink less, workout more, haven't been so easy to stick to.  So, like many of you, I have some catching up to do to get back on track! 

Here are a few ways to make sure we all keep our eyes on the prize!

Write It Down
Get a journal so you can record your successes.  When you need a little extra motivation, you can refer back to your entries to see how you felt about them!

Be Specific
We were are a bit vague when we made our resolutions the first time around.  This makes it easier for us to go around them.  Instead of saying, "I plan to work out more",  say "I plan to work out for 30-45 minutes every morning".

Reward Yourself

Are you setting short term goals for yourself?  If you plan ahead, you have milestones to look forward to.  But remember, don't reward yourself with something counterproductive.  For example, don't splurge on an expensive pair of shoes as a reward for paying off a credit card bill on time. 

You Can Do It! 
Keep the fact that you didn't follow through the first time around behind you!  It's a new day, and this time you WILL be consistent. Keep a positive attitude and you will be well on your way to achieving whatever goal you have put in front of you!  And we all slip up every now and again, if you fall off once or twice, don't concentrate on the negative, brush it off and just get right back at it!

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