Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Traditions

Just two more days until Thanksgiving!  Can you smell the Turkey? The cranberry sauce? We all know the Turkey Day staples.  So that got us thinking about Thanksgiving traditions!  A lot of us have traditions that revolve around food (OF COURSE!).  Others have family traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation.

Here are our Top 5 Thanksgiving Traditions!
  1. TURKEY MEAL: Well, that's a no-brainer!  The turkey meal is probably the MOST popular tradition.  Some go for a deep-fried turkey (have a fire extinguisher handy if you go this route), while others choose the vegan option (a Tofu-rkey). Whatever your preference, it's usually served alongside stuffing and sweet cranberry sauce!
  2. GIVING THANKS: This is what Thanksgiving is all about!  Before the big meal is served, you go around the table and have each person say what they are thankful for, which gives you an opportunity to take a moment to reflect on everything and start thinking of some resolutions you want to make for next year!
  3. BREAKING THE WISHBONE: Ever fought over the "lucky break"? A longstanding tradition is making a wish on the wishbone from the bird.  If you get the piece with the head on it, it's said that your wish will come true!
  4. MACY'S DAY PARADE: This annual event is enjoyed by millions of people! The balloons, floats and bands are what make the parade such a huge event that is televised every Thanksgiving!
  5. BLACK FRIDAY PREP: Pull out those circulars - it's time to shop!  Once your food has settled, it's time to get together a game plan for Black Friday. The stores open early so many take Thanksgiving evening to prepare and map their routes for early bird specials in the wee hours of the next morning!
Do you follow any of these traditions?  Is there something unique just to your family that you want to share? Remember it's never too late to start a new tradition!  The holidays are fun, take a step back from all the prep and craziness and just enjoy what is really important, being with family and friends!!

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